Today Kiplinger released a tool to assist in calculating the Stimulus funds you may receive in aid from the U.S. government due to COVID 19. This is based upon your Adjusted Gross Income on tax returns filed for 2018. All information below is from

“You can get answers to all your questions about these payments at Your 2020 Stimulus Check: How Much? When? And Other Questions Answered. But if you just want to know how large your check will be, answer the three questions below and we’ll give you a customized estimate of your stimulus check amount.

You probably heard on the news that you’ll be getting a $1,200 check from the IRS as part of the economic stimulus bill just passed by the Senate. However, not everyone will get the same amount. If you’re married or have children under 17 years of age, your family could get more money. On the other hand, if your income is above a certain level, your check will be lower—or you might not get a check at all.”