One in every three girls, and one in every five boys WILL be sexually abused before the age of 18. -MBCH data-
2009 Courage Classic Bicycle Tour
I am just one of over 700 cyclists who will ride 174 miles, over our 3 mountain passes for the 2009 Courage Classic Bicycle Tour benefiting the Rotary Endowment for the Intervention and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. Together with Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital – Tacoma, WA, they ensure that no child or their family will ever be turned away in the case of sexual assault or abuse.
Please join me to “STOP CHILD ABUSE”
I accept the physical challenge of cycling over Snoqualmie, Blewett and Stevens Pass; in 3 days, riders will travel 174 miles for your support. Your tax-deductible donation sponsoring my ride in the Courage Classic would be tremendously appreciated. You can safely make your online contribution on my personal fundraising page:
Checks may be made payable to MBCH/209 Courage Classic, mailed to PO Box 23631, Federal Way, WA 98093
Do you want to ride?
For Complete Information about the Courage Classic
Jack Mangels is a successful entrepreneur in Federal Way, WA. Co-Owner with wife, En-May, they operate a Pacific Northwest gift industry sales and marketing company. Jack is an accomplished cyclist and climber; now offering custom strength and endurance training for cyclists of all abilities. As a proud dad of 2 daughters, and grandfather to 4 little girls, the mere thought of any harm coming to his family is horrific. Learning of the atrocities occurring to children as young as 4 weeks old, in our own community, inspired Jack to use his cycling strengths to contribute to this phenomenal charity. You can reach Jack at