Support Michi and her wonderful team “Areola Borealis” to raise funds towards ending breast cancer.  Michi is a breast cancer survivor who has gathered great friends and is ready to complete this remarkable achievement.  Last year her team kicked butt raising close to $90k and completing the 60 mile course.  This year Areola Borealis is training and ready to go!!

Save the date for the 2nd annual Hawaiian Luau Fun-Draiser:  Saturday July 25!

4pm – 12am

5150 South Othello St, Seattle WA  98118

$25 in advance (for advance tickets please mail a check payable to Michi Suzuki at the address above)

$35 at the door

All ages welcome

All you can eat Hawaiian & summer fare

All you can drink (beer & wine)

A dunk tank, silent auction

Marination Mobile!  Private Hawaiian Korean Taco Truck

To support Areola Borealis:

Why do we walk?

We walk because:
I just lost a VERY close friend to breast cancer. She was my age.
– Because every woman is at risk for breast cancer.
An estimated 5 million Americans will be diagnosed with breast cancer – and more than 1 million could die – over the next 25 years.
– Breast cancer is the leading cancer among American women and is second only to lung cancer in cancer deaths.
One woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every THREE minutes and one woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the United States.
– An estimated 40,460 women and 450 men will die from breast cancer in 2009.
Only 5-10 percent of breast cancers are due to heredity. The majority of women with breast cancer have no known significant family history or other known risk factors.
– Without a cure, one in eight women in the U.S. will continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer – a devastating disease with physical, emotional, psychological and financial pain that can last a lifetime. We walk because we need to put an end to breast cancer.

Can you imagine a world without breast cancer? It’s hard, given how pervasive the disease is. But go ahead, let yourself envision that world. Because it’s not a fantasy. It’s a reality within our grasp. Each step you take on the Breast Cancer 3-Day brings us closer to ending the disease forever.

Eighty-five percent of the net proceeds of this event go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Every advancement in breast cancer research, treatment, education and prevention in the last 25 years has been touched by a Komen for the Cure grant. For more information about Susan G. Komen for the Cure, breast health or breast cancer, visit or call 1 877 GO KOMEN.

The remaining fifteen percent of net funds goes to the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, which provides ongoing support to breast cancer initiatives, so that strides made today can continue to propel us toward our goal. For more information, visit and

Everyone has been touched in some way by breast cancer. And recoiled from the touch. No family should lose a mother prematurely. Or a dear friend, sister, wife, daughter, co-worker. No one of us, just diagnosed, should have to look at the mirror in the morning and say: Will I survive? Everyone deserves a lifetime: We feel it deep in our bones.

Allow yourself to imagine a world without breast cancer. Then take the first step toward helping to make it happen.