2021 – Seattle Real Estate Spring Buyers Guide

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Real estate and mortgage seem to change on a daily basis right now. How? With vaccines for COVID getting out to all of us, sellers who were once afraid to have people touring their home are now coming back to the market to sell. This is helping to add more homes to the market. But locally the buyers still out number the sellers by far.

In my Spring Buyers Guide there are many key topics for you to educate and prepare yourself as you begin the process of buying a home.

Everyday presents a new opportunity and challenge for buyers. The key is having the right Loan Officer and Real Estate agent working as a team. There is so much that has to be taken into consideration in this sellers market.

If you have questions of would like perspectives of would like to set up a time to connect we can set up a time easily. Click to view my online calendar. https://go.oncehub.com/KeithAkada

Thank you, Keith Akada | 206-601-3426