Seattle Mortgage Rates


Seattle Mortgage Rates
Seattle Mortgage Rates

What’s the Current Trend in Seattle Mortgage Rates?

Seattle mortgage rates are on the upswing today


What’s Happening in Financial Markets?

The unemployment rate has improved from 8.1% to 6.6% since 2012

How Does This Affect My Mortgage Rate?

Janet Yellen did mention she plans to continue following the path Ben Bernanke did start.  The plan of tapering of bond purchasing will move forward.  She believes the overall effort of this plan has been successful to help the economy.

The unemployment rate remains too high even though we have seen progress since 2012.  The stability in jobs will need to improve with many people working part time positions when full time are needed.

As a prospective home buyer, job growth leads to higher rates.  Plan accordingly if you are in the market to purchase.


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