Seattle Real Estate Mortgage Rates Today 11/8/11: Good news and bad news. This is what it comes down to and will impact the market over the next four months. Why? Investors are HIGHLY active right now and are trading aggressively on any news that can boost stock market prices. Across the board there is chatter of economic data showing very small signs of hope, and on this hope stocks trade higher. When momentum like this shifts it can impact mortgage rates to be pressure higher. Just to be clear HIGHER mortgage rates do not mean a jump to 5.00%, what it does translate to is how it can impact the strategic way your loan is structured with the lowest market rate and closing costs. We see this for many of our clients make the biggest difference when structuring their financing. The goals of each homeowner is to have the lowest rate and closing costs.
This is heavily driven by the market today. In closing it all comes down to the timing and the knowledge of your loan originator you are working with. Are you working with the right professional? If in doubt please allow us the opportunity to offer you a no obligation quote. No hassles or pressure, just the raw market data and our best FIRST offer.
Timing is everything just as location of the home is critical. Timing in securing an interest rate, BEST rate, is working with a mortgage professional who has their pulse on the market and when best to advise and educate their clients when timing is right. Along with this key knowledge is to be on top of all of the lending and underwriting changes which seem to almost happen daily. We at the Mortgage Reel are Licensed Washington Loan Originators, serving clients with transparency, knowledge and most importantly keeping your goals in mind. How can we assist you today?
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