Seattle / Bellevue Real Estate Mortgage Rate Watch:  During the financial crisis the Treasury Department racked up $142B in debt.  Now to help STABILIZE the economy the Treasury states selling around $10B per month will improve conditions.  We discussed this morning, is this truly to help stabilize the economy?  Is this the right time to sell?  And is the US Debt so close the maximum limit, they need to free up some credit?  For any reason, this has spooked the bond market this morning.

As the nuclear crisis in Japan is heavily watched with the prevention of further meltdowns, Japanese Prime minister Naoto Kan did state the worst is behind them.  Last week the mortgage bonds gained positive ground with this unfortunate situation, but with positive news, we can see those gains disappear.

The US and allies have launched air strikes against Gadaffi with the intention to prevent him from retaking control from the rebels.  The goal is not to kill Gadaffi at this time and further plans/goals from the US Defense have not been finalized.  Since the current situation is QUESTIONABLE, this is driving the cost of oil higher.

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