Home Affordable Refinance Program IMPROVEMENTS 10/24/2011 to help Seattle Real Estate

Home Affordable Refinance Program IMPROVEMENTS 10/24/2011 to help Seattle Real EstateFEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY: Breaking news that will hopefully help many home owners who were unable to refinance underwater values.  With these new changes a homeowner would no longer have a loan to value restriction on their ability to refinance.  Lenders currently will not allow […]

Seattle / Bellevue Home Owner Education 101 – Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Changes

Seattle / Bellevue Home Owner Education 101 – Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Changes: Buyers, Sellers, Investors and Refinancing all affected by the newest changes just rolled out by Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. How does this affect you? Can this really cost thousands? How much more will it cost me? Are there other options? […]

FHA Increases the Annual MIP on April 18, 2011

To follow the established rules for the required reserve requirement of the Mutual Insurance Fund, FHA will increase the annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP). The increase of .25% (25bp) was announced.  To avoid this increase you must have your case number assigned on or before April 14, 2011. FHA recently increased the annual MIP to […]